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  • Sadie Ridgeway
  • Sadie Ridgeway

    Assistant ProfessorSociology

    Sadie Ridgeway is an assistant professor of Sociology at Goucher College in Baltimore, MD. She completed her doctorate in 2023 at Washington State University. While at Washington State University, Ridgeway taught a variety of courses and worked as a survey design consultant at the Social and Economic Sciences Research Center. At Goucher College, she teaches courses in the areas of health and well-being, medical sociology, and research methods, with a focus on problem-based learning, quantitative literacy, and inclusive pedagogical practices. Ridgeway’s research uses large-scale secondary datasets and advanced quantitative techniques to investigate health disparities in youth and young adulthood. Currently, her research concentrates on improving our understanding of the role of body size, stigma, and discrimination in shaping health outcomes, shedding light on body size as an understudied basis of inequality and stratification.

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    Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick and Sadie Ridgeway. 2023. “Gender and Family Financial Support in the Transition to Adulthood”. Accepted at Sociological Forum.

    Ridgeway, Sadie O. and Justin T. Denney. 2023. “A Comprehensive Examination of Discrimination and the Impact on Health in Young Adults”. Social Science & Medicine.

    Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick and Sadie Ridgeway. 2023. “Becoming Independent and Responsible Adults: Does Parental Financial Help or Interfere?”. Journal of Family Issues.

    Ridgeway, Sadie O. 2022. “Body Size and Well-Being in Adolescents: The Roles of Bullying Victimization and Body Image”. Sociological Perspectives.

    Ridgeway, Sadie. 2022. “Calculating Mortality Rates”. ASA (American Sociological Association) TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology.

    External Awards, Honors, Grants

    2023 Joseph R. DeMartini Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Sociology, Washington State University

    2022 Graduate Research and Creative Activity Award, College of Arts and Sciences, Washington State University

    2021 GPSA Dissertation Grant, application titled, “Body Size, Weight Stigma and Discrimination, and Health and Well-being Among Youth”, Graduate and Professional Student Association, Washington State University

    2021 William Julius Wilson Health Equity Fellowship, under direction of Dr. Justin T. Denney, Department of Sociology, Washington State University

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    Ridgeway, Sadie. 2023. “An Examination of Weight Discrimination and Psychological Distress: The Moderating Role of Social Status and Social Resources.” Paper Session, Adolescent Social Ties and Well-Being. Population Association of America Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.

    Ridgeway, Sadie. 2023. “Weight Discrimination and Mental Health: Protective and Exacerbating Social Factors.” Formal (Completed) and Research in progress session, Medical Sociology, Health, & Reproductive Politics: Health Inequities, Discrimination, & Issues in Marginalized Communities. Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association. Bellevue, WA.

    Ridgeway, Sadie. 2022. “The Weight of Stigma: Body Size, Weight Discrimination, and Health among Young Adults.” Open Referred Roundtable, Health and Healthcare. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA.

    Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick, and Ridgeway, Sadie. 2022. “Gender and Parental Financial Support in the Transition to Adulthood.” Section on Children and Youth Roundtables, The Life Course. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA.

    Ridgeway, Sadie, and Justin Denney. 2022. “A Comprehensive Examination of Discrimination and the Impact on Health in Young Adults.” Poster Session, Health and Health Behavior. Population Association of America Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

    Invited Talks

    Ridgeway, Sadie. 2023. “Weight Discrimination and Mental Health: Protective and Exacerbating Social Factors.” Invited Presentation for the Panel Study of Income Dynamics Seminar Series. University of Michigan. Virtual.

    Ridgeway, Sadie. 2022. “Weight discrimination and psychological distress: Who experiences it, and what resources provide protection?” Sociology Department Colloquium Series, Washington State University.

    Academic or Professional Associations

    American Sociological Association

    Sections: Body and Embodiment, Medical, Children and Youth, Teaching and Learning

    Population Association of America                                   

    Alpha Kappa Delta: International Sociology Honor Society

    Omicron Delta Epsilon: International Economics Honor Society